Peningkatan kelemasan kulit crust artikel upper napa softy dengan penambahan bahan fatliquor di PT Lembah Tidar Jaya Magelang Jawa Tengah

Muhamad Zabidil Athir, - (2019) Peningkatan kelemasan kulit crust artikel upper napa softy dengan penambahan bahan fatliquor di PT Lembah Tidar Jaya Magelang Jawa Tengah. Tugas Akhir thesis, Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta.

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Tugas Akhir di PT Lembah Tidar Jaya bertujuan mengetahui peningkatan kelemasan kulit crust artikel upper nappa softy dengan penambahan bahan kimia (minyak nabati) pada formulasi proses fatliquoring di PT Lembah Tidar Jaya. Hasil pengujian organoleptis sebelum perbaikan proses fatliquoring tidak memenuhi standar customer. Bahan baku yang digunakan adalah kulit sapi untuk artikel upper nappa softy di PT Lembah Tidar Jaya. Metode percobaan yang digunakan yaitu experiment atau trial dengan metode fatliquoring dengan tahapan proses wetting back 1, sammying, shaving, wetting back 2, fatliquoring, dyeing, fixing, sammying setting out, vaccum, hanging, staking, dan toggling. Materi yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan Tugas Akhir proses fatliquoring upper nappa softy kulit crust meliputi kulit wet blue, kulit crust, dan bahan pembantu yang digunakan dalam proses fatliquoring adalah Ginsol ND, Asam Formiat, Alcotan SND 1, Minyak Nabati, Brown HH, Fix 404, dan Busan 30. Proses pembuatan kulit upper nappa softy menggunakan bahan baku kulit crust kualitas C dengan berat 1kg, tebal 1,4mm dan luas 7sqft. Setelah melakukan trial didapatkan hasil dengan penambahan formulasi kelemasan kulit meningkat, penambahan formulasi proses fatliquoring meningkatkan kualitas kulit, dan hasil pengujian organoleptis didapatkan hasil berupa kelemasan kulit yang sudah memenuhi standar customer. Penambahan bahan kimia (minyak nabati) dapat meningkatkan kelemasan kulit sebesar 2,14 (memenuhi standar customer). Final project at PT Lembah Tidar Jaya aims to find out the increase softness crust in the upper nappa softy article by adding chemicals (vegetable oil) to the formulation of the fatliquoring process at PT Lembah Tidar Jaya. The results of organoleptic testing before the improvment of the fatliquor did not reach customer standards. The raw materials used cow leather for upper nappa softy article at PT Lembah Tidar Jaya. The method used is experimen or trial with the fatliquoring method with the stages of wetting back 1, sammying, shaving, wetting back 2, fatliquoring, dyeing, fixing, sammying setting out, vacuum, hanging, staking, and toggling. The material used in the final project implementation of the upper nappa softy skin crust fatliquoring process includes wet blue , crust skin, and supporting materials used in the fatliquoring process is Ginsol ND, Formix Acid, Alcotan SND1, Vegetable Oil, Brown HH, Fix 404, and Busan 30. The process of the upper nappa softy leather uses crust leather with quality C, 1kg weighing, 1,4mm thick, and 7 sqft. After conducting the trial, the results obtained with the addition of formulation increased softness leather, the addition of the formulation of formulation process improvet skin quality and the results of organoleptis testing in the form of softness leather is meet customer standards. Addition of chemicals (vegetable oil) can’t increased the softness by 2,14 (meet customer standards).

Item Type: Thesis (Tugas Akhir)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Crust Leather, Vegetable Oil, Fatliquoring, Upper Nappa Softy,
Subjects: Teknologi Pengolahan Kulit > ARTIKEL > UPPER NAPPA SOFTY
Divisions: Teknologi Pengolahan Kulit
Depositing User: intan - -
Date Deposited: 13 Aug 2019 07:25
Last Modified: 20 May 2020 07:45

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