Lusy Dwi Nurhidayah, - (2019) Mengatasi Permasalahan Pemotongan Material Pada Proses Cutting Sepatu PDL Cetak Jeruk Di PT Bali Mukti Shoe Factory Bandung – Jawa Barat. Diploma thesis, Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta.
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PT Bali Mukti Shoe Factory merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di industri sepatu khususnya sepatu safety. Jenis sepatu yang diproduksi diantaranya sepatu PDL dan sepatu PDH. Kegiatan pengamatan dilakukan pada tanggal 18 Februari sampai 16 April 2019. Materi yang dipelajari dalam kegiatan karya akhir yaitu proses pemotongan material (cutting) model sepatu PDL cetak jeruk. Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan adalah data primer (observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi), sekunder (studi pustaka dan website). Pada proses pemotongan material sepatu PDL cetak jeruk permasalahan yang ditemukan pada bagian pemotongan material (cutting) yaitu terdiri dari cacat salah potong, salah seset, tidak sesuai pola, dan miring. Berdasarkan pengamatan yang dilakukan, cacat yang paling sering terjadi yaitu cacat salah potong dan miring. Faktor penyebab permasalahan pemotongan dikarenakan kulit yaitu cacat salah potong dimana kulit yang telah diberi tanda cacat masih terpotong oleh operator. Sedangkan faktor penyebab cacat miring dikarenakan pada saat proses pemotongan operator menggunakan palu untuk melepas pisau potong dari cutting board, selain itu pemakaian cutting board yang tidak merata membuat papan cutting menjadi cekung dan mempengaruhi ketajaman cutting dies. Solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan pemotongan cacat salah potong yaitu dengan cara melingkari tanda cacat secara berulang dan atau mengganti alat pemberian tanda cacat silver pen dengan menggunakan kapur. Selain itu, penulis mengusulkan instruksi kerja pada bagian QC B.II tentang penggunaan alat pemberian tanda cacat agar disesuaikan dengan jenis kulit yang akan dicheking. Sedangkan untuk mengatasi kesalahan cacat miring yaitu dengan mengoleskan lilin pada mata pisau agar operator mudah saat melepasnya dari cutting board, serta perbaikan instruksi kerja pada bagian cutting untuk memudahkan operator dan pengawas dalam pekerjaanya di bagian cutting. PT Bali Mukti Shoe Factory is one of the companies engaged in the shoe industry, especially safety shoes. The types of shoes produced include PDL shoes and PDH shoes. The observation was doing at 18 February until 16 April 209. The material learned in the final work activity is the process of cutting material (cutting) models of orange print PDL shoes. The data collection method used is primary data (observation, interviews, and documentation), secondary (library research and website). In the process of cutting the orange print PDL material the problem was found in the cutting part of the material (cutting) which is defect due to cutting where the results of the pieces do not match the pattern, defects due to knives, defects due to knives, and defects due to leather. Based on observations made, the problem that often occurs is the error of cutting material defects due to leather and defects due to cutting knives. The leather that has been marked with a defect is still cut by the operator. The cause of the error is due to the leather, the leather that has been marked with a defect is still cut off by the operator. While the causes of defects due to cutting blades are caused during the cutting process the operator uses a hammer to remove the cutting knife from the cutting board, besides the uneven use of cutting board makes the cutting board concave and affects the sharpness of the cutting dies. The solution to overcome the problem of disability due to leather is by circling the defect mark repeatedly and or replacing the silver pen defect sign using chalk. In addition, the authors propose work instructions on the QC B.II section on the use of defect marking devices to be adjusted to the type of leather to be checked. Whereas to overcome defective errors due to cutting blades, namely by applying wax to the blade so that the operator is easy when removing it from the cutting board, as well as repairing work instructions on the cutting section to facilitate operators and supervisors in the cutting section.
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | defect, leather, cutting dies, cutting, cacat, kulit, pisau |
Subjects: | Teknologi Pengolahan Produk Kulit > ALAS KAKI > SEPATU--PENGELEMAN |
Divisions: | Teknologi Pengolahan Produk Kulit |
Depositing User: | intan - - |
Date Deposited: | 09 Aug 2019 07:07 |
Last Modified: | 28 May 2020 03:33 |
URI: | |
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