Penerapan Formulasi Artikel Nappa Softy Upper Sapi Pada Wet Blue Kambing Di CV Yogya Karya Andini Yogyakarta

Imroatul Hilma, - (2019) Penerapan Formulasi Artikel Nappa Softy Upper Sapi Pada Wet Blue Kambing Di CV Yogya Karya Andini Yogyakarta. Tugas Akhir thesis, Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta.

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Pelaksanaan magang industri ini dilaksanakan di CV Yogya Karya Andini Yogyakarta yang beralamat di Kawasan Industri Banyakan 1 Sitimulyo, Piyungan, kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta. Pada kegiatan magang industri ditemukan masalah pada marketing untuk pemesanan kulit nappa softy upper berbahan baku kulit kambing. Dikarenakan perusahaan memproduksi nappa softy upper berbahan baku kulit sapi maka tindakan pertama dilakukan trial dengan formulasi kulit sapi dialihkan bahan bakunya untuk kulit kambing. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode observasi, interview, praktek kerja langsung, studi pustaka. Bahan baku yang digunakan adalah kulit kambing wet blue sebanyak 1 lembar kualitas III dengan tebal 1,1 mm dan luas 8,8 sqft. Pasca tanning kulit nappa softy upper meliputi washing, netralisasi, retanning, main fatliquoring, dan fiksasi. Bahan pembantu yang digunakan yaitu Perbon CC, Trilon B, Oxal, Na. Format, Na. Bicarbonate, Intan TP, Sodatan SB, Mimosa, Sodatan RD, Sodatan RM, Dermagen GP, D. Red BA, C. Light red AB, Polyol NFO, Nirapol 99, Lipsol SQ, Anti jamur, Asam formiat. Hasil pengujian fisis kulit sapi artikel nappa softy upper menunjukkan nilai rata-rata kuat tarik 787,59 N/cm2 tidak memenuhi standar SNI 06-4901-1998, perpanjangan putus 68,43% melebihi ketentuan syarat SNI 06-4901-1998, kelemasan 4,46 mm. Hasil trial kulit nappa softy upper setelah dilakukan uji fisis kulit hasil trial menunjukkan nilai rata-rata kuat tarik 2048,59 N/cm2 sudah memenuhi SNI 06-4901-1998 , perpanjangan putus 75,03 % melebihi ketentuan syarat SNI 06-4901-1998, kelemasan 5,3 mm. Disimpulkan bahwa formulasi kulit sapi artikel nappa softy upper dapat diterapkan pada kulit kambing artikel nappa softy upper. The exercise of this industry internship was held at CV Yogya Karya Andini Yogyakarta, having its address at the Most Industrial Area 1 Sitimulyo, Piyungan, Bantul district, Yogyakarta. In the industrial apprenticeship there were problems with marketing for ordering nappa softy upper leather made from goat skin. Because the company produces nappa softy upper made from cow side, the first action is a trial with cow side formulation which is transferred to raw materials for goat skin. The method used is the observation, interviews, direct work practices, literature study. The raw material used is 1 sheet of wet blue goat skin III with a thickness of 1,1 mm and an area of 8,8 sqft. Post-tanning nappa softy upper leather includes washing, neutralization, retanning, playing fatliquoring, and fixation. The auxiliary materials used are the Perbon CC, Trilon B, Oxal, Na. Format, Na. Bicarbonate, Diamond TP, SB Sodatan, Mimosa, Sod RD, Sod RM, Dermagen GP, D. Red BA, C. Light red AB, NFO Polyol, Nirapol 99, Lipsol SQ, Antifungal, Formic Acid. The results of physical testing of cowhide nappa softy upper article show the average value of tensile strength of 787.59 N / cm2 does not meet SNI 06-4901-1998 standard, 68.43% elongation is exceeded provision SNI 06-4901-1998, anxiety 4, 46 mm. The results of the nappa softy upper leather trial after the leather physical test results from the trial showed that the average tensile strength of 2048.59 N / cm2 had fulfilled SNI 06-4901-1998, which was 75,03% exceeded provision SNI 06-4901-1998, 5,3 mm of darkness. It was concluded that the formulation of nappa softy upper aticle cow leather can be applied to the nappa softy upper article goat skin.

Item Type: Thesis (Tugas Akhir)
Uncontrolled Keywords: nappa softy upper, peminyakan, kuat tarik, perpanjangan putus, kelemasan nappa softy upper, fatliquoring, tensile strength, elongation, softness
Subjects: Teknologi Pengolahan Kulit > PRODUK KULIT > KULIT KAMBING
Teknologi Pengolahan Kulit > ARTIKEL > UPPER NAPPA SOFTY
Divisions: Teknologi Pengolahan Kulit
Depositing User: intan - -
Date Deposited: 19 Aug 2019 03:50
Last Modified: 20 May 2020 07:15

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