Synthesis and spectral characterization Schiff base cyclantine with GC-MS

Swatika Juhana, - and Candra Irawan, - and Hanafi, - and Henny Rochaeni, - and Miskah Yumna Fajri, - and Rika Perdana Putri, - (2017) Synthesis and spectral characterization Schiff base cyclantine with GC-MS. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 5 (5). pp. 475-479. ISSN 2321–4902

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It has been synthesized Schiff base cyclantine by condensation between cylamenaldehyde dan methylanthranilate. The process of condensation is at temperature 89,5 o; 99 o; dan 109,5 o with stirrer. The result shows that Schiff base cyclantine spreads colour in bright yellow to dark yellow with floral aroma. The result of the average value of the refractive index of variation of heating temperature is respectively 1,575; 1,538; dan 1,508. The average value of the density of the variation of heating temperature is respectively 1,071 g/mL; 1,065 g/mL; dan 1,063 g/mL. The average value of specific gravity of the variation of heating temperature is respectively 1,074; 1,068; dan 1,066. The results with GC-MS shows Schiff base cyclantine has formed m/z= 323,2 that refers to cyclantine compound (C21H25NO2).

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Schiff base, cyclantine, GC-MS, condensation, cylamenaldehyde, methylanthranilat
Subjects: Penelitian_Dosen > KIMIA
Divisions: Penelitian Dosen
Depositing User: intan - -
Date Deposited: 04 Sep 2019 02:36
Last Modified: 04 Sep 2019 03:41

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