Pengaruh Vacuum Terhadap EfeK Waterproof Pada Kulit Sapi Artikel Oil Nubuck di PT. ECCO TANNERY INDONESIA, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur.

Rima Ayu Lestari, - (2019) Pengaruh Vacuum Terhadap EfeK Waterproof Pada Kulit Sapi Artikel Oil Nubuck di PT. ECCO TANNERY INDONESIA, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur. Tugas Akhir thesis, Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta.

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Magang Industri dilakukan di PT. ECCO Tannery Indonesia yang bergerak dibidang pembuatan kulit. Dalam kegiatan magang yang dilakukan mahasiswa diberikan project dengan tema “Physical Operation Post Retanning to Waterproof Performance”. Dari pengamatan yang dilakukan ditemukan permasalah yang berhubungan dengan test measer pada kulit waterproof artikel nubuckyang seharunya mencapai standar yaitu 15000 flexo, sedangkan hasil pengujian test measer mendapatkan hasil <15000 flexo. Sehinga dilakukan percobaan pada kulit nubuck yang berfokus pada vacuum dry dengan metode mengubah waktu dan humidity pada vacuum drying. Raw material yang digunakan berasal dari wet crust dengan kualitas LS/FS (import) dengan jumlah 12 side dengan rata-rata 69,00 sqft dan dengan rata-rata ketebalan 22-23 sqft, untuk artikel oilnubuck memiliki ketebalan 1,4-1,6 mm. Teknologi vacuum drying menggunakan suhu 450C. Formula waktu dan humidity pengeringan yang digunakan dalam percobaan ada tiga yakni dry formula (20-25%) dengan waktu 10 menit, medium formula (25-30%) dengan waktu 6 menit, normal formula (30-35%) dengan waktu 4 menit. Waterproof performance terbaik didapat dari vacuum dry dengan formula medium (25-30%) dengan waktu 6 menit dan hasil pengujian oil content (8,20%), test measer (15000 flexo), test bally (480 menit). Industrial internships conducted at PT. ECCO Tannery Indonesia engaged in the manufacture of leather. In the internship activities carried out students are given a project with the theme "Physical Operation Post Retanning to Waterproof Performance". From the observations made found problems related to the measles test on the waterproof nubuck article which should reach the standard of 15000 flexo, while the test results of the measer test get the results of <15000 flexo. So an experiment was carried out on the nubuck skin which focused on vacuum dry with the method of changing the time and humidity in vacuum drying. The raw material used comes from the wet crust with LS / FS (import) quality with 12 sides with an average of 69.00 sqft and an average thickness of 22-23 sqft, for oil nubuck articles having a thickness of 1.4-1,6 mm. Vacuum drying technology uses a temperature of 450C. There are three formulas for time and humidity drying in the experiment, namely dry formula (20-25%) with a time of 10 minutes, medium formula (25-30%) with a time of 6 minutes, normal formula (30-35%) with a time of 4 minutes. The best waterproof performance is obtained from a vacuum formula with a medium formula (25-30%) with a time of 6 minutes and an oil content test result (8.20%), a test measer (15000 flexo), a test bally (480 minutes).

Item Type: Thesis (Tugas Akhir)
Uncontrolled Keywords: kulit waterproof, kulit oil nubuck, pengeringan kulit, vacuum drying, waterproof skin, oil nubuck leather, leather drying, vacuum drying
Subjects: Teknologi Pengolahan Kulit > PRODUK KULIT > KULIT SAPI
Divisions: Teknologi Pengolahan Kulit
Depositing User: intan - -
Date Deposited: 30 Jul 2019 01:00
Last Modified: 20 May 2020 08:13

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