Pengaruh Water Content Kulit Setelah Hang Dry Tunnnel terhadap Water resistance Performance Oil Nubuck Crust di PT. ECCO Tannery Indonesia, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur

Dian Lestari, - (2019) Pengaruh Water Content Kulit Setelah Hang Dry Tunnnel terhadap Water resistance Performance Oil Nubuck Crust di PT. ECCO Tannery Indonesia, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur. Tugas Akhir thesis, Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta.

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Pada kegiatan magang industri di PT. ECCO Tannery Indonesia terdapat masalah saat produksi salah satunya adanya beberapa oil nubuck crust yang pengujian water resistancenya tidak memenuhi standar uji. Setelah pendalaman lebih lanjut ditemukan adanya beberapa bagian side crust artikel oil nubuck yang water content (w.c) setelah hang dry tunnel tidak sesuai standar yang ditetapkan yaitu 10-13%. Dilakukanlah percobaan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh water content (w.c) setelah hang dry tunnel terhadap water resistance kulit oil nubuck crust. Material yang digunakan adalah wet crust artikel oil nubuck dengan ketebalan 1,4-1,6 mm sebanyak 9 side dari lot yang berbeda yang dibagi menjadi tiga percobaan dimana setiap satu side tersebut akan diambil enam sampel (tiga sampel setiap pengujian dengan variasi water content). Metode pengujian water resistance yang digunakan adalah maeser dan bally penetrometer dengan standar uji maeser test 15000 flex dan bally penetrometer test 480 menit. Hasil yang diperoleh diketahui bahwa water content setelah hang dry tunnel sangat signifikan berpengaruh terhadap water resistance performance untuk maeser test (P<0,01) dan signifikan berpengaruh untuk bally penetrometer test (P<0,05). Semakin rendah water content kulit maka water resistance performancenya semakin baik, ditunjukkan dengan hasil pengujian kulit dengan water content 6%,8%,10%,12% telah memenuhi standar namun kulit dengan water content 14% dan 16% tidak memenuhi. Water content terbaik berdasarkan percobaan yang telah dilakukan adalah water content 10-13%. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah water content kulit setelah hang dry tunnel untuk oil nubuck crust benar berpengaruh terhadap water resistance performance kulit. On the internship program has founded problem in oil nubuck crust that some of it was not fulfill the standar of water resistance test. After further investigation in production, it turn out that some part of wet crust side of oil nubuck article have higher water content out from hang dry tunnel than the standard (10-13%). Based on that problem the trials have been done with purpose to know the influence of water content out after drying tunnel to its water resistance performance. Material that used was 9 sides of wet crust oil nubuck from different lot wich have taken randomly with substance 1,4-1,6 mm, divided into 3 trials and than for each sides will be taken 6 samples (3 samples for each test). Physical lab testing method for the trials is maeser and bally penetrometer test with 15000 flex for maeser standard and 480 minute for bally penetrometer standard. The result from the trials noted that water content out from drying tunnel of oil nubuck crust very influental to water resistance performance with maeser test (P<0,01) and influental to water resistance performance with bally penetrometer test (P<0,05). Lower water content will make better water resistance performance as evidenced by the result of its test for crust with water content 6%,8%,10%,12% have fulfill the standard but crust with water content 14% and 16% did not fulfill the standard. Best water content out from drying tunnel for oil nubuck is water content standard in PT. ECCO Tannery Indonesia 10-13%. The conclution is water content out from drying tunnel of oil nubuck crust influental to water resistance performance.

Item Type: Thesis (Tugas Akhir)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Oil nubuck, Water content, Hang dry tunnel, Water resistance, Maeser test dan bally penetrometer test,
Subjects: Teknologi Pengolahan Kulit > TUNNEL
Divisions: Teknologi Pengolahan Kulit
Depositing User: intan - -
Date Deposited: 02 Aug 2019 08:38
Last Modified: 22 May 2020 04:38

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