Modifikasi Formulasi Base Coat untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas (upgrading) Kulit Unta Artikel thar HM di PT Ecoo Tannery Indonesia

Helmy Perdana Putra, - (2019) Modifikasi Formulasi Base Coat untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas (upgrading) Kulit Unta Artikel thar HM di PT Ecoo Tannery Indonesia. Tugas Akhir thesis, Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta.

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Permasalahan yang dihadapi PT Ecco Tannery Indonesia adalah artikel thar HM dari bahan baku kulit unta yang memiliki cacat ketika di proses finishing menggunakan formulasi standar perusahaan menghasilkan kualitas reject. Tujuan tugas akhir mengetahui faktor penurunan kualitas kulit upper shoes artikel thar HM dan melakukan penyelesaian terhadap permasalahan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan ialah observasi,wawancara dan trial.Metode trial dilakukan dengan melakukan modifikasi formulasi base coat untuk meningkatkan kualitas kulit unta thar HM dengan tetap memperhatikan standar kulit jadinya. Formulasi standar finishing artikel thar HM meliputi proses base coat, roll ironing (mechanical proses) dan top coat. Formulasi trial proses finishing meliputi base coat, roll ironing (mechanical process) dan top coat. Modifikasi dilakukan dengan cara subtitusi chemical Rodapur 5101 dan Rodafix 2185dengan rodabase 5514,rodacryl np 86 dan hydrolaq aqs. Standar kulit thar HM yang diperhatikan meliputi natural leather, medium shiny, touch, waterproff, karakter fisik yang berkaitan dengan penyamaran defek. Hasil trial mampu meningkatkan tampilan, uji measer test, dan grade yang telah memenuhi standar konsumen. The problem that have found in PT Ecco Tannery Indonesia were the articles of Thar HM using raw materials of camel leather that having the defect when using company formulation finshing and produce reject quality. The final project aimed to know the factors of degression of leather quality.The method use is observation,interview, and trial.The trial method is done with modification of the formulation were done in base coat process to upgrading the quality of the camel thar HM leather with concerning the standard of the finished leather, the finishing process of standar formulation thar HM articles were base coat, roll ironing (mechanical process) and top coat. The trial formulation of finishing thar HM process were base coat, roll ironing (mechanical process) and top coat. Modification done in base coat with subtitution of chemical materials, the materials were rodapur 5101 and rodafix 2185 with rodabase 5514, rodacryl np 86 and hydrolaq aqs. The finished leather standard that have to concern were naturality, medium shiny, touch, waterproof, good physical character, and the character physical can covering of the defect. The result of trial can improve appearance, measer test and grade have met customer standards.

Item Type: Thesis (Tugas Akhir)
Uncontrolled Keywords: reject, finishing, thar HM, upgrading, reject, finishing, thar HM, upgrading
Subjects: Teknologi Pengolahan Kulit > PRODUK KULIT > KULIT_UNTA
Teknologi Pengolahan Kulit > UPGRADING
Divisions: Teknologi Pengolahan Kulit
Depositing User: intan - -
Date Deposited: 02 Aug 2019 08:52
Last Modified: 20 May 2020 07:12

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