Items where Subject is "Penelitian Dosen > ECO LEATHER"

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Number of items at this level: 5.


Muh Wahyu Syabani, - and Iswahyuni, - and Warmiati, - and Kutut Aji Prayitno, - and Henny Saraswati, - and Rahmandhika Firdauzha Hary Hernandha, - (2023) Unveiling the Signature of Halal Leather: A Comparative Study of Surface Morphology, Functional Groups, and Thermal Characteristics. Unveiling the Signature of Halal Leather: A Comparative Study of Surface Morphology, Functional Groups, and Thermal Characteristics, 5 (2). pp. 67-76. ISSN E-ISSN: 2657-0165 P-ISSN: 2656-3754


RLM Satrio Ari Wibowo, - and Titik Anggraini, - and Ambar Pertiwiningrum, - (2016) Eco Leather Penyamakan Ikan Buntal. ATK Pres, Yogyakarta.

RLM Satrio Ari Wibowo, - and Titik Anggraini, - and Ambar Pertiwiningrum, - and Suharjono Triatmojo, - (2016) Eco Leather Penyamakan Ikan Buntal Tahun 2016. Cetakan 1 . ATK Press. ISBN 978-979-26-2025-2

RLMS Ari Wibowo, - and Titik Anggraini, - and Ambar Pertiwiningrum, - and Suharjono Triatmojo, - (2019) Eco Leather Penyamakan Ikan Buntal. ATK Press, Yogyakarta. ISBN 9789792620252

Rahma Amalia, - (2024) Pengaruh Perlakuan Shaving Terhadap Kualitas Kulit Sheep Cabretta Pearl White Di Pt Amsa Mulia Bersama, Yogyakarta. Tugas Akhir thesis, Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta.

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